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I write about the subjects that interest me. Like you, my interests are not limited to a handful of topics nor do they remain static. One interest tends to lead to another. Because I have broad interests I tend to make connections across them. It is not that I look for those connections, they just happen and I am always delighted when they do. And the broader I research and explore the more patterns I find.
I also enjoy making complicated things simple, especially organizing things that are unnecessarily messy. Some of the most important subjects are so poorly explained and it is such a shame. Simplifying a complex subject and crafting the best way to communicate it is very satisfying. If you understood something difficult the first time, thank the speaker/writer. They did you a favor and the work.
Making common or ordinary subjects interesting is of particular interest to me. Some of the greatest truths are hidden under familiarity (remember the Kellogg’s campaign, “Taste them again for the first time?”). Those who make the familiar new again are to be commended. When others do that for me, I am always grateful and impressed. Few things make me happier than being re-energized by a familiar truth. This is especially true of scripture, common words, and simple ideas.
I hope you enjoy reading what I write. If you do, then the dividend is doubled. The writing to produce the piece was fun and I get the satisfaction of knowing you enjoyed it too. Please let me know when you do and when you don’t. Adding something to the conversation is even better.